@Haxeb wrote:
I can access data from firebase, but not in a good way.
service.getData = function(userid) {
var ref = new Firebase("https://urlhere" + "users/" );
return $firebaseObject(ref.child(userid));
}userid is something like this, 700c122a-067d-4a02-baae-f5d12343242
My firebase structure looks like , http://i.imgur.com/AMdZLCt.png
` .controller('ProfileCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, Auth, $state, $stateParams, firebaseService) {$scope.userid = $stateParams.userId; $scope.details = firebaseService.getData($scope.userid);
<p ng-repeat="item in details">
<span>{{item}} </span>
</ion-content>The problem is, it displays all values of keys under Unique ID.
See my result. http://i.imgur.com/ZsB1bOY.png
I need to get name of user, when {{item.firstname}} in view.
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