@dbertels wrote:
The standard html for an ionic 2 selection inside an ion-list is
... <ion-item> <ion-label>Relationship</ion-label> <ion-select [(ngModel)]="relationship"> <ion-option value="Spouse">1. Spouse / De Facto</ion-option> <ion-option value="Carer">2. Unpaid Carer</ion-option> <ion-option value="Friend">3. Friend / Family</ion-option> </ion-select> </ion-item> ...
However this produces some unsightly results when the selection entryis slightly oversized, e.g.
Is there a way to alter the format in CSS? I tried
<ion-select class="fancy-select" [(ngModel)]="relationship">
and in the css:.fancy-select{ padding: 0; white-space: normal; display: block; text-align: left; }
I also tried adding formatting to the label - but nothing seems to make much impact..
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