@segokucink wrote:
Hi. I have a problem.
i want to ascending and descending my list by name.
for example , here is my controller :` .controller('cariCtrl',function($scope,$http,$state,Cari){
$scope.cari = function(input){
}).controller('listCtrl',function($scope,$http,$state,$ionicHistory,Cari){ $scope.user = []; $scope.lapangan = []; $scope.goBack = function(){ $state.go('menu.cari', {}, { reload: true }); } $http({ method: 'POST', data:{ daerah: Cari.getDaerah(), nama: Cari.getNama(), urut: Cari.getUrut() }, url: "http://localhost/TA2/admin/app/getSearchLapangan.php" }).success(function(data){ $scope.lapangan = data; }).error(function(data, status,headers,config) { alert(status); alert(headers); }); })`
in app.js, I add this :
.factory('Cari', function(){
var data = {
daerah: '',
nama: '',
urut: ''
return {
getDaerah: function(){
return data.daerah;
setDaerah: function(pdaerah){
data.daerah = pdaerah;
getNama: function(){
return data.nama;
setNama: function(pnama){
data.nama = pnama;
getUrut: function(){
return data.nama;
setUrut: function(purut){
data.urut = purut;
})here is my view:
<label class="item item-select">
<select style="right: auto;" ng-model="input.urut">
<option value="">Silahkan Pilih Urutan</option>
<option value="0">A-Z</option>
<option value="1">Z-A</option>
<button class="button button-block button-positive" ng-click="cari(input)">Cari</button>the sql query is like this :
`$daerah = $objData->daerah;
$nama = $objData->nama;
$urut = $objData->urut;
$SQL = "";
if ($urut == 0) {
$SQL = "SELECT L.*, (SELECT path FROM gambar G WHERE G.id_lapangan = L.id_lapangan LIMIT 1) as path from lapangan L WHERE daerah LIKE '" . $daerah . "%' AND nama LIKE '" . $nama . "%' ORDER BY nama ASC;";
} else {
$SQL = "SELECT L.*, (SELECT path FROM gambar G WHERE G.id_lapangan = L.id_lapangan LIMIT 1) as path from lapangan L WHERE daerah LIKE '" . $daerah . "%' AND nama LIKE '" . $nama . "%' ORDER BY nama DESC;";
}$result = mysql_query($SQL, $link);
$array = array();
$counter = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$array[$counter] = $row;
echo json_encode($array);
so, when i choose the select list in "A-Z", it means ascending.and when i click the button, it should go to another state that show my list.
if A-Z is choosen, the "goal futsal " should be number 1.
how can i do that? what's wrong with my code. Please help.
thank you
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