@alex_h wrote:
I am creating an app with ionic and ngCordova. The app shell receive push notifications.
I have adopted an example from ngCordova.
My .run method looks like this:
.run(function ($ionicPlatform, $rootScope, User, $cordovaDialogs, $cordovaVibration, $cordovaPush) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function () {var androidConfig = { "senderID": "xxx", }; $cordovaPush.register(androidConfig).then(function(result) { // Success }, function(err) { // Error }) $rootScope.$on('$cordovaPush:notificationReceived', function(event, notification) { switch(notification.event) { case 'registered': if (notification.regid.length > 0 ) { console.debug('registration ID'); console.debug(notification.regid); } break; case 'message': // this is the actual push notification. its format depends on the data model from the push server alert('message = ' + notification.message + ' msgCount = ' + notification.msgcnt); break; case 'error': alert('GCM error = ' + notification.msg); break; default: alert('An unknown GCM event has occurred'); break; } }); }); })
I send push notifications with the following script:
The messages arrive, as far so good.
But I can't manage to play a sound/tone. According to GCM documentation, this should work with the parameter sound and the value default.
My GCM request looks like this:
$devices = array('YOUR REGISTERED DEVICE ID');
$message = "The message to send";$gcpm = new GCMPushMessage($apiKey);
$response = $gcpm->send($message, array('title' => 'Test title', 'sound' => 'default'));
Has someone an idea why the sound is not played?
Thank you in advance!
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