@bonatoque wrote:
I'm currently tracking any possible memory leak in my SPA. I'm trying to read the Timeline recordings results, but I'm a designer, have mercy...
Do I need to cancel the $timeout(s) created in a route controller, like advised? Or is it something taken care of by the Ionic framework?
If not, does the following snippets make sense? What's the more efficient method?
Please note: these $timeouts encapsulate sequenced animations on DOM elements ("root level" UI blocks), on entering the view, and also on leaving, and since I use the Ionic Cache, I'm using
$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function(){... $scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function(){...
instead of
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {...
So, which one from the methods below is the more appropriated performance-wise?Snippet 1
Self-destructing via promises:
// ANIMATIONS ON VIEW ENTERING $scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function(){ // IS var timeOutshowProductCardContainer NEEDED? timeOutshowProductCardContainer = $timeout(function() { // THIS ANIMATIONS TAKES ROUGHLY 600ms $scope.showProductCardContainer = true; }, 44).then(function(){ // SELF DESTRUCTING VIA PROMISE $timeout.cancel(timeOutshowProductCardContainer); }); timeOutCSSProductCardContainer = $timeout(function() { $('.product_card_container').css({'pointer-events':'auto'}); }, 600).then(function(){ $timeout.cancel(timeOutCSSProductCardContainer); }); }); // - EOF - $scope.$on // - EOF - ANIMATIONS ON VIEW ENTERING
Snippet 2
Question: When destroyed, will the all encapsulated, promise chained \$timeouts be cancelled by cancelling the initator only? How much \$timeouts do you think can I chain this way?
// ANIMATIONS ON VIEW LEAVING $scope.goToState = function(state, stateOptions){ timeOutgoToState = $timeout(function(){ $('.product_card_container').css({'pointer-events':'wait'}); $scope.showProductCardContainer = false; },44) .then(function(){ return $timeout(function(){ $state.go(state,stateOptions); },600); }); // - EOF - ANIMATIONS ON VIEW LEAVING
Snippet 3
Declaring each \$timeout, and cancel them with Ionic View Events:
... // MAKE SURE WE DESTROY ANY SINGLE DECLARED TIMEOUT, NOT CHAINED, NOT SELF-DESTROYED, UPON LEAVING THE VIEW $scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function() { $timeout.cancel( timeOutshowProductCardContainer ); $timeout.cancel( timeOutCSSProductCardContainer ); $timeout.cancel( timeOutgoToState ); });
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