@Holzi wrote:
Hello, i created a user auth with firebase and ionic, it works fine on the device an in the browser but I wanted to test ist on different devices so i use the ionc view app, here the code:
function authHandler(error, authData) { if (error) { $scope.logmessage.push("Login Failed!", error); } else { $scope.logmessage.push("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData); } } var ref = new Firebase("https://vivid-heat-4820.firebaseio.com"); ref.authWithPassword({ email : 'username', password : 'password' }, authHandler);
The error seems to be that it never reaches the "else" from the authHandler function,
if i make a fail login i get the Error Callback with the Error Message.see this:
function authHandler(error, authData) { $scope.logmessage.push("This message i only get when i do a fail login); }
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