@Mayanktaker wrote:
I am building an Ionic app and I want the users to send me few details via contact form. for that, I am using wordpress’ contact form 7 plugin and calling the page in a contact page via iframe.
html -
<ion-content class="contentmain"> <iframe frameBorder="0" height="100%" width="100%" [src]="url" name="iframe_a"></iframe> </ion-content>
export class ContactPage { url: any; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private sanitize: DomSanitizer ) { this.url = sanitize.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl("https://example.com/contacts-us/"); } }
I am having problem with uploading files. I want users to send me an image file in form and when I click on browse button on form, it opens nothing. Is there anything I am missing or there is any other method to do this ?
Or anyone know how to view wordpress from in Ionic 3 app via json ?
Any help can be helpful. Please guide me to right direction. I am new in Ionic.
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