@maciey wrote:
I have a method that handles sign in to Firebase. I would like to:
- display Loading Controller while data is being sent
- display any errors through Alert Controller, with message: error.message generated by Firebase
How should this be done in Ionic 4?
Here’s my method. Loading Controller seems to be working fine, but I can’t display Alert properly:
async onSignIn() { const loading = await this.loadingController.create({ message: 'Please wait...', translucent: true }); const alert = await this.alertController.create({ header: 'Login Error!', subHeader: 'Subtitle', message: 'This is an alert message.', // message: error.message, buttons: ['OK'] }); const email = this.signInForm.value.email; const password = this.signInForm.value.password; this.authService.signin(email, password).then( data => { loading.dismiss() .then(() => { this.navController.navigateRoot(''); }); }, error => { loading.dismiss() .then(() => { alert.present(); }); } ); loading.present(); }
Thanks in advance for all hints!
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