@ssktanaka wrote:
I want the options in my Ionic action sheet to change text based on a condition. Specifically, I want the option to read "Flag" if a list item is not flagged ($scope.flag = false), and "Unflag" if it's flagged ($scope.flag = true).
Right now, I have the text label reading:
<div ng-show="flag">Flag</div> <div ng-show="!flag">Unflag</div>
But it's not working. Instead, all I see are both options. Does anyone know how to fix this? My full code is below and in this codepen.
<ion-content> <ion-list> <ion-item on-hold="showActionSheet()" > Item 1 </ion-item> </ion-list> </ion-content>
angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic']) .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $timeout, $ionicActionSheet, $ionicListDelegate) { $scope.flag = true; $scope.showActionSheet = function() { // Show the action sheet var hideSheet = $ionicActionSheet.show({ buttons: [ { text: '<div ng-show="flag">Flag</div><div ng-show="!flag">Unflag</div>' }, ], titleText: 'Action Sheet', cancelText: 'Cancel', cancel: function() { // add cancel code.. }, buttonClicked: function(index) { $scope.flag = !$scope.flag ; return true; } }); }; });
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