@emryldrmr wrote:
pushSetup() { const options: PushOptions = { android: { senderID: '111111111111' }, ios: { alert: 'true', badge: true, sound: 'false' } }; const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options); pushObject.on('registration').subscribe((data: any) => { //alert('Device token/handle is: ' + data.registrationId); this.regID = data.registrationId; }); }
this registrationId actually any device registrationId.
I want a call the registrationId in
ngOnInit() { console.log('ngOnInit GirisPage'); this.menuCtrl.swipeEnable(false); this.menuCtrl.enable(false); this.logForm(); **this.pushsetup();** }
but ı can’t make it. it’s undefined all the time
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