@obinnae wrote:
My app has 3 tabs. In tab 0, there’s a button, which when pressed, calls the following function
which redirects to a page with a request form. The tabs aren’t visible here.
After submitting the form, it redirects to (or at least is supposed to go straight to) tab 1 via this code
Here’s some of the code in the TabsHome page:
@IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-tabs-home', //templateUrl: 'tabs-home.html' template: ` <ion-tabs [selectedIndex]="selectedTab" (ionChange)="tabChanged($event)" color="dark" #myTabs id="tabs"> <ion-tab tabTitle="Home" [root]="home_tab" tabIcon="home"</ion-tab> <ion-tab tabTitle="Active" [root]="active_tab" tabIcon="star"</ion-tab> <ion-tab tabTitle="Submitted" [root]="submitted_tab" tabIcon="checkmark"</ion-tab> </ion-tabs>' }) export class TabsHome { @ViewChild('myTabs') tabRef: Tabs; //.... other stuff if (this.params.get("tab")) { this.selectedTab=parseInt(this.params.get("tab")); this.tabRef.select(this.params.get("tab"),{},false); } else this.selectedTab = 0;
As it is now, instead of going straight to tab 1, it goes to tab 0, then 1, albeit rapidly.
How can I force it to go straight to tab 1, instead of showing 0 before 1?
Do you recommend the form page be opened as a modal, instead of navctrl.push?
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