@wysong wrote:
IONIC3 Firebase error
I’m developing a mobile app using IONIC3.
It does not have any special features, and it automatically calls the mobile web page when the app is launched.home.ts
export class HomePage {
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private iab: InAppBrowser, private firebaseNative: Firebase, private platForm: Platform) {
}async getToken() {
let pmxtoken;if ( this.platForm.is('android') ) { pmxtoken = await this.firebaseNative.getToken(); } if ( this.platForm.is('ios') ) { pmxtoken = await this.firebaseNative.getToken(); await this.firebaseNative.grantPermission(); } return this.openWebPagePMX(pmxtoken);
openWebPagePMX(pmxtoken) {
const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
zoom: ‘no’,
location: ‘no’
this.iab.create('http://pmx.dskorea.com/Windchill/ext/common/portal/viewMain?token=’+pmxtoken, ‘_blank’, options);
I have run Visual studio code using ‘Run Android on device’ using debug and I have seen the following error message.
Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode.
Ionic Native: tried calling Firebase.getToken, but the Firebase plugin is not installed.
Install the Firebase plugin: ‘ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase’
Error: Uncaught (in promise): plugin_not_installed
///////////////////////////////////When I use this.firebaseNative.getToken (), I get an error.
Let me know if you have a solution
Thank you.
Ionic Framework: 3.9.3
Ionic App Scripts: 3.2.3
Angular Core: 5.2.11
Angular Compiler CLI: ^7.2.12
Node: 10.15.3
OS PLatform: macOS
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