@gfox wrote:
I'm trying to have the default system "semibold" font displayed on various OS using CSS, eg:
on Window: Segoe UI SemiBold
on Android: Roboto Medium
on iOS: is there one?I've been using:
font-family: Segoe UI, -apple-system-font, sans-serif-medium, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;
but I'm getting a bolder than normal Roboto font on Android.
What would be the best cross OS solution? Please note that if a "semibold" font isn't available, I want to fall back to a bolder than normal font (thus the font-weight: 600).
FYI, I've been referring a lot to this link, but it doesn't seem updated: https://gist.github.com/dpogue/cf8561b0cfb9d40be95d
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