@Iceraft wrote:
I did the following
<ion-item> <ion-label>Time</ion-label> <ion-datetime display-format="HH:mm" [(ngModel)]="alarm.alarmTime" placeholder="00:00" [filterText]="date"></ion-datetime> </ion-item> <ion-select multiple="true" [(ngModel)]="alarm.alarmDays"> <ion-select-option *ngFor="let day of alarm.alarmDays" [selected]="day.value"> {{day.name}} </ion-select-option> </ion-select> <ion-col> <ion-button expand="block" (click)="saveAlarm()" style="margin-top: 10%">Save</ion-button> </ion-col>
the following is then used however only the date timestamp from the first input could be sent…
this.alarmService.addAlarm(this.alarm).then(()=>{ console.log("it does not"); loading.dismiss(); this.nav.navigateBack('/alarm'); })
how is it i can get these value according to the checked checkbox
export interface Alarm { alarmEnabled: boolean, alarmCreatedBy: string, alarmTitle: string, alarmTime: string, alarmDays: [ { name: 'Monday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Tuesday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Wednesday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Thursday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Friday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Saturday', value: boolean, }, { name: 'Sunday', value: boolean, } ] }
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