@peterjc wrote:
I have just been porting my app from Ionic 3 to Ionic 4.
I have a side menu, with a list of ion-items, and if selected would navigate to a new view. When the menu is shown, I shade the background slightly.
I have the following markup in my app.component.html
<ion-list> <ion-menu-toggle auto-hide="false"> <ion-item *ngFor="let p of availablePages" button=true lines='none' [routerLink]="[p.pageRoutePath]" [style.background]= "p.isCurrentPage ? '#F4F4F4' : ''"> /* < this line did the shading */ <ion-avatar slot='start'> <img class='menu-icon' src='{{p.menuImage}}'> </ion-avatar> <div>{{p.title}}</div> </ion-item>
In Ionic 3, the following line took care of this shading…
[style.background]= "p.isCurrentPage ? '#F4F4F4' : ''">
But this no longer works.
When I look at the app in dev tools, I found the following element which will show the background (I have manually set it to
in the dev tool while searching for which element to color…Does anyone know how I can do this similar to how I did it before, ie conditionally set the background depending on a property value?
Thanks in advance for any help!
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