@madeymaja wrote:
I downloaded the ionic 4 star rating component from npm:
I can get it to display.
I have tried to change the size, colour and outline of the stars, but nothing seems to work.
In my scss file where the rating componint is displayed I have added styles:
.rating {
ion-icon {
// color: gray;
color: red;
fill: none;&.outline { fill: none; } &.filled { // color: #ffb400; color: pink; }
Tried my own version:
.rating {
–width: 10px;
–height: 10px;
–border-radius: 50%;
–vertical-align: middle;
–padding-start: 2px;
–padding-end: 2px;
–color: pink;
}Tried changing the size in the html:
[rate]= [item.rating]
size=“10px” size=“small” size=“default”
halfStarIconName=“star-half” (rateChange)=“onRateChange($event)”>
It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction. Should i be using another component altogether? Or how do I see the properties of the component so that I can style them? Inspecting the element does not help.
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