@imagicag wrote:
Hi folks,
I’m trying to get the rear camera of the phone with usermedia and display the live video in a canvas. this works if I start the project with ionic serve on the pc and also on the mobile phones google chrome within an Ionic app obviously. But if I run a “ionic cordova run android” I can’t see the video. How is that possible? shouln’t the app and the browser be the same?
In the app on the phone I just see a default HTML video tag with no video rendering…My end goal: is to be able to have an app which can display the camera output in a canvas and then use the library: https://github.com/cozmo/jsQR to scan a QR code and get the coordinates of the endpoints of the QR code to be able to draw a live line on the qr code…
My HTML code:
<ion-header> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>jsQR Demo</title> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ropa+Sans" rel="stylesheet"> </ion-header> <ion-content> <h1 style="text-align: center">Jack's QR with User Media Test</h1> <div #videoContainer></div> <div #canvasContainer></div> </ion-content>
My TS File:
import {AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import jsQR from 'jsqr'; import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular'; import { AndroidPermissions } from '@ionic-native/android-permissions/ngx'; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: 'home.page.html', styleUrls: ['home.page.scss'], }) export class HomePage implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild('videoContainer') videoContainer; public video; @ViewChild('canvasContainer') canvasContainer; @ViewChild('canvasInHTML') canvasInHTML; public canvas; public canvasContext; constructor(private platform: Platform, private androidPermissions: AndroidPermissions) { this.video = document.createElement('video'); this.video.width = 640; this.video.height = 480; this.video.setAttribute('autoplay', ''); this.video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); this.video.setAttribute('facingMode', 'environment'); this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.width = 640; this.canvas.height = 480; this.canvasContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (this.platform.is('cordova')) { this.platform.ready().then(() => { this.androidPermissions.checkPermission(this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.CAMERA).then( result => console.log('Has permission?', result.hasPermission), err => this.androidPermissions.requestPermission(this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.CAMERA) ); this.androidPermissions.requestPermissions([this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.CAMERA]).then(() => {}); }); } } ngAfterViewInit() { this.videoContainer.nativeElement.appendChild(this.video); this.canvasContainer.nativeElement.appendChild(this.canvas); this.initWebRTC(); } initWebRTC() { const constraints = { video: true, audio: false, facingMode: 'environment' }; const handleSuccess = (stream: MediaStream) => { this.video.srcObject = stream; this.video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); this.video.play(); // this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.video, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.draw(); // requestAnimationFrame(this.tick); }; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(handleSuccess); } drawLine(begin, end, color) { this.canvasContext.beginPath(); this.canvasContext.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y); this.canvasContext.lineTo(end.x, end.y); this.canvasContext.lineWidth = 4; this.canvasContext.strokeStyle = color; this.canvasContext.stroke(); } draw() { // if (this.video.readyState === this.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) { this.canvas.height = this.video.videoHeight; this.canvas.width = this.video.videoWidth; console.log('I found a QR!'); this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.video, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); const imageData = this.canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); const code = jsQR(imageData.data, imageData.width, imageData.height, { inversionAttempts: 'dontInvert' }); if (code) { this.drawLine(code.location.topLeftCorner, code.location.topRightCorner, '#FF3B58'); this.drawLine(code.location.topRightCorner, code.location.bottomRightCorner, '#FF3B58'); this.drawLine(code.location.bottomRightCorner, code.location.bottomLeftCorner, '#FF3B58'); this.drawLine(code.location.bottomLeftCorner, code.location.topLeftCorner, '#FF3B58'); } // } // requestAnimationFrame(this.tick); } }
My component file:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular'; import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { HomePage } from './home.page'; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule, FormsModule, IonicModule, RouterModule.forChild([ { path: '', component: HomePage } ]) ], declarations: [HomePage] }) export class HomePageModule {}
My end goal is to have an app in ionic that does the same like this demo of the jsQR library:
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