@mrg250 wrote:
I’m using Firebase for authentication (specifically the phone auth method),
and it’s working fine (validation etc.), except for one thing;
If the user enters the wrong code, or dismisses the validating prompt, he can’t re-enter the cycle again (prompt -> receiving message -> validate) because I can’t reset the recaptcha, and because of that he needs to reenter the app in order to reset everything.How do I fix this ?
<ion-content padding class="popup-bg"> <form [formGroup]="profile" (ngSubmit)="submitProfile()"> ... <button id="submitButton" ion-button full [disabled]="!profile.valid" (click)="submit()">submit</button> </form> <div id="recaptcha"></div> </ion-content>
declare var grecaptcha: any; ... private _recaptchaVerifier: auth.RecaptchaVerifier; ... ionViewDidLoad() { this._recaptchaVerifier = new auth.RecaptchaVerifier('submitButton', { 'size': 'invisible', 'callback': function(response) { this.submitProfile() }, 'expired-callback': ()=>{ this.resetReCaptcha() } }); } ... private submitProfile() : void{ if(!this.checkPhone()){ return; } let profile: object = { name: this.profile.get('name').value, phone: this.profile.get('phone').value }; let validPhoneNumber: string =String(profile['phone']) //auth().settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true; this._authAf.auth.signInWithPhoneNumber(validPhoneNumber, this._recaptchaVerifier).then(result=>{ const alertSignIn = this._alertCtrl.create({ title: 'enter code', inputs: [{type: 'number', name: 'vCode'}], buttons: [{text: 'validate', handler: data => { const loadSignIn = this._loadingCtrl.create({}) loadSignIn.present().then(()=>{ result.confirm(data['vCode']).then(() =>{ this._userHandler.init(); this._userHandler.addUser(profile); // this._messagingHandler.getToken(); loadSignIn.dismiss() }, e=>{ loadSignIn.dismiss() this.resetReCaptcha(); return }) }); }} ] }); alertSignIn.present(); }).catch((e)=>{ this.resetReCaptcha(); }) } ... // I've tried this. not working private resetReCaptcha(){ this._recaptchaVerifier.render().then(function(widgetId) { grecaptcha.reset(widgetId); }) }
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