@shorstmann wrote:
in ionic 4 app i implemented some functionality to activate the hardware back button. If i open a detail-page from within a tabbed page the hardware back button already navigates back to the tabbed page that opened the detail-page.
Now i want the tab-pages to be able to be “run through” by hitting the hardware button (so if ia am on tab 1 and tap on tab 3 i want to come back to tab 1 when hitting the back button). To do this i am able to use
But now i have the side-effect, that when i have opened a detail-page from within one tab-page and hit the hardware back button the app will close the detail-page (as intended) but reopens it because of “window.history.back()”. Somehow the condition “this.router.url” does not work correct. I am not able to determine that the active page is my detail-page. How do i do this?
snippet from my app.component.ts
// active hardware back button backButtonEvent() { this.platform.backButton.subscribe(async () => { // close action sheet try { const element = await this.actionSheetCtrl.getTop(); if (element) { console.log("actionSheet close"); element.dismiss(); return; } } catch (error) { } // close popover try { const element = await this.popoverCtrl.getTop(); if (element) { console.log("popoverCtrl close"); element.dismiss(); return; } } catch (error) { } // close modal try { const element = await this.modalCtrl.getTop(); if (element) { console.log("modalCtrl close"); element.dismiss({cancelledModal: true}); return; } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // close side menua try { const element = await this.menu.getOpen(); if (element) { console.log("sideMenu close"); this.menu.close(); return; } } catch (error) { } this.routerOutlets.forEach((outlet: IonRouterOutlet) => { if (outlet && outlet.canGoBack()) { console.log("outlet pop"); outlet.pop(); } else (this.router.url === '/menu/tabs/tab1' || this.router.url === '/login') { if (new Date().getTime() - this.lastTimeBackPress < this.timePeriodToExit) { navigator['app'].exitApp(); // work in ionic 4 } else { this.alertProvider.presentToast('Press back again to exit App'); this.lastTimeBackPress = new Date().getTime(); } } else if (this.router.url === '/menu/tabs/tab2' || this.router.url === '/menu/tabs/tab3') { //Go trough tabs console.log("do window history back"); window.history.back(); } }); }); }
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