@dnietoandres wrote:
Hey there, I been facing this issue like 2 days and I don`t get with it.
I have the following:
<ion-content force-overscroll="true"> <div id="map_canvas"> <ion-fab class="menu" horizontal="start" vertical="top" slot="fixed"> <ion-fab-button color="light"> <ion-icon color="primary" name="menu"></ion-icon> </ion-fab-button> </ion-fab> <ion-fab *ngIf="!this.showInfoVehiculo" class="locate" horizontal="end" slot="fixed"> <ion-fab-button (click)="locateMe()" color="light"> <ion-icon class="locateIcon" [color]="this.colorOn" name="locate"></ion-icon> </ion-fab-button> </ion-fab> <ion-button *ngIf="!this.showInfoVehiculo" class="goBtn ion-padding-horizontal" expand="block" color="primary" size="large">TAP TO GO</ion-button> <ion-slides #slider class="vehiculos-card-slider" *ngIf="this.showInfoVehiculo" [options]="sliderConfig" pager="false" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged($event)"> <ion-slide class="vehiculo-container" *ngFor="let vehiculo of vehiculos"> <ion-card class="vehiculo-card" color="light"> <ion-card-header> <ion-card-subtitle>Awesome Subtitle</ion-card-subtitle> <ion-card-title>Awesome Title</ion-card-title> </ion-card-header> <ion-card-content> Awesome content </ion-card-content> </ion-card> </ion-slide> </ion-slides> </div> </ion-content>
When i drag the slider it gets stuck a few miliseconds and the changes to the following slide and on the console i get this:
[Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted.
I think that this attempt to cancel… makes non smooth dragging on the slides.
Also say that the slider is inside of Google Maps.
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