@dblanco wrote:
I have a problem using ng-include.
The same template is used in different screens. It is showing well, but does not update the content. That is, it is “executed” only once, as if it would later be taken from “cache” for example.
What should I add so that the template is reloaded when calling from another view?
Some code:
Template 1
<div ng-show='datos.muestraMenu'> <ion-list> <ion-item ng-repeat="opcion in datos.opciones" item="opciones" class="item item-avatar item-icon-right" href="#/app/{{opcion.url}}{{datos.divId}}" > <img ng-src="{{opcion.imagen}}" class="img_menu"> {{opcion.menu}} <p>{{opcion.detalle}}</p> <i ng-class="{'icon ion-ios-arrow-forward energized': {{$even}}, 'icon ion-ios-arrow-forward balanced': !{{$even}}}"></i> </ion-item> </ion-list> <br /> <ng-include src="'templates/banner.html'"></ng-include> </div>
Template 2
<ion-content class="has-footer"> <ion-list> <ion-item ng-repeat="division in datos.divisiones" item="division" class="item-icon-right" href="#/app/ranking/menu/{{division.id_division}}" > {{division.division}} <i ng-class="{'icon ion-ios-arrow-forward energized': {{$even}}, 'icon ion-ios-arrow-forward balanced': !{{$even}}}"></i> </ion-item> </ion-list> <br /> <ng-include src="'templates/banner.html'"></ng-include> </ion-content>
Template banner.html
<div class="c" ng-controller="BannersCtrl"> <ion-slide-box delegate-handle="image-viewer" auto-play="true" slide-interval="4000" does-continue="true" show-pager="false" > <ion-slide ng-repeat="banner in bannersRandom | orderBy:'rank'"> <a ng-click="abrirNavegador(banner.url);"> <img ng-src="{{banner.banner}}" /> </a> </ion-slide> </ion-slide-box> </div>
Cotroller bannersCtrl
angular.module('rm.bannersctrl', []) .controller('BannersCtrl', ['$scope', '$ionicSlideBoxDelegate', '$window', 'BannerServ', 'Config', function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, $window, BannerServ, Config) { // lo toma de store porque no es un dato confidencial var controlador = Config.CONTROLADOR; // banners $scope.bannersRandom = []; if (controlador !== null) { BannerServ.getBanner(controlador).success(function (response) { var banners = response; angular.forEach(banners, function(item) { $scope.bannersRandom.push({ url: item.url, banner: item.banner, rank: 0.5 - $window.Math.random() }); }); $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle('image-viewer').update(); }).error(function (response){ //$ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.abrirNavegador = function (enlace) { window.open(enlace, '_blank', 'location=yes'); } }]);
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