@OliverPrimo wrote:
I have a variable from my component (array variable) that contains pdfs and images. I am passing that variable to a modal and it filters the variable to display only the images and to remove the pdfs (and it is working fine). The problem is that after I closed the modal my variable on the component page was also changed.
Page Component
public files: any = [image1.jpeg, file.pdf, image2.jpeg] openModal() { console.log(files); // result: [3] => [image1.jpeg, file.pdf, image2.jpeg] var imageParams = { 'url' : files, } var modal = this.modalCtrl.create("ModalImageDisplayPage", {imageParams: imageParams}); modal.onDidDismiss(() => { console.log(files); // result: [2] => [image1.jpeg, image2.jpeg] **The pdf has been removed here, it should not be removed. The 'files' variable should not be changed!!** }) modal.present(); }
Modal Component
public imageUrl: any = []; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public viewCtrl: ViewController) { var imageParams = navParams.get('imageParams'); this.imageUrl = imageParams['url']; for (var x = 0; x < this.imageUrl.length; x++) { if (this.imageUrl[x].includes('.pdf')) { this.imageUrl.splice(x, 1); console.log(imageUrl); // result: [2] => [image1.jpeg, image2.jpeg] **The pdf has been removed here. It should be the variable to be changed NOT THE 'files' variable!!** } } }
The point is the files variable in the Page Component should not be changed and the imageUrl variable is the only variable that should be changed.
I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you
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