@zambacto wrote:
hi everyone
this is my codethis.intervention.getrequest("CRM_ArticleList?type=JUSTIF").then(data => { this.dataa = data; console.log('dataa=',this.dataa.results[0].libArt) this._isloaded = true; }).catch(err => { this._isloaded = true; let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'Erreur', subTitle: 'Erreur de connexion', buttons: ['OK'] }); alert.present(); }) let alert = this.alertCtrl.create (); alert.setTitle ('Justif'); for (let i = 0; i <this.dataa.results.length; i++) { alert.addInput ({ type: 'radio', label: this.dataa.results[i].libArt, value: this.dataa.results[i].libArt , checked: false }); } alert.addInput({ type:'text', label:'Surname', placeholder: 'Surname' }); alert.addButton ('Annuler'); alert.addButton ({ text: 'Enregistrer', handler: data => { this.intervention.postrequest("CRM_ArticleList?type=JUSTIF",data).then(async data => { this.res = data; if (this.res.message === "success") { await this.composent.toastShow("Enregistré avec succés", false, "bottom"); } }); } }); alert.present ();
but like you see i have problem with text input
can anyone help me and thnx![]()
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