@Vinayak wrote:
I want to upload 2 image file on the server, but unable to upload 2 image file in a same api. In JSON api there is 2 parameter which requires image file i.e id_proof_file_name and address_proof_name.
Rest Api function
register(imageidproof,imageaddproof, fullname, mobile_no, dob, address, nominee_name,nominee_no, nominee_add, nominee_dob, scheme_type, installmentpending, room_id, id_proof_type, id_proof_number, add_proof_type, add_proof_number): Promise<any> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let oPtions = { fileKey: 'id_proof_file', fileKey:'address_proof_file', params: { "full_name": fullname, "mobile_no": mobile_no, "dob": dob, "address": address, "nominee_name": nominee_name, "nominee_no": nominee_no, "nominee_add": nominee_add, "nominee_dob": nominee_dob, "scheme_type": scheme_type, "installmentpending": installmentpending, "room_id": room_id, "id_proof_type": id_proof_type, "id_proof_number": id_proof_number, "add_proof_type": add_proof_type, "add_proof_number": add_proof_number, }, chunkedMode: false } let loading = this.loadCtrl.create({ spinner: 'crescent', content: 'Please wait...', duration: 5000 }); loading.present(); let bothimage = []; bothimage.push(imageidproof); bothimage.push(imageaddproof); console.log("POST DATA " + JSON.stringify(oPtions)); console.log("IMage Data", bothimage.toString()); const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.transfer.create(); fileTransfer.upload(bothimage.toString(), URL + 'registration', oPtions, true).then(data => { let result = this.helper.parseData(data.response); console.log("Response from server", result); loading.dismiss(); this.checkForTokenFailure(result.status); if (result.response == "true") { resolve(result) } else { this.helper.showALert(2, result.message); resolve(); } }).catch(err => { loading.dismiss(); console.log("Something error happend", err); reject(); }) }) }
and in upload function i tried to send the image in the array, but it through error string type is supported in this format.
I want to have 2 fileKey is it possible …?
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