@pinktoadette wrote:
Looking for a recommendation on calendars for capacitor, not native and not cordova.
Currently I’ve tried ion2-calendar and ionic2-calendar, both are very hard to customize.
in the ion2-calendar, the data isn’t getting updated when I retrieve it. Ionic2-calendar, i can’t add additional properties to display on view.
Here’s ion2-calendar
clientDates: DayConfig[] = [] user: Partial<UserModel> type: "string" optionsMulti: CalendarComponentOptions = { pickMode: "multi", color: "danger", daysConfig: this.clientDates } ngOnInit() { this.allDateData() } allDateData() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.pup.forEach((p, i) => { this.reportService.getAllCheckDates(p.pupId).subscribe(days => { const calDates = days.map((k, idx) => Object.assign( {}, { startTime: moment(days[idx].checkedInTime * 1000).format( "YYYY-MM-DD" ), title: days[idx].name, allDay: days[idx].type === "boarding" ? true : false, endTime: moment(days[idx].checkedInTime * 1000).format( "YYYY-MM-DD" ), extra: "additional data" } ) ) this.clientDates.push(...calDates) resolve() }) }) }) }
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