@Rintu wrote:
I am able to print text using cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial. But the problem is it’s not printing the whole data .
Below is code :
let printData = “\n\n Company Name \n\n\n”;
printData = printData + “----------------------------” + “\n\n” +
"Customer Name: " + details.name + “\n” +
"Phone: " + details.mobile + “\n” +
“Address:” + details.shipping_address + “\n”
+ details.shipping_pin + “,” + details.shipping_city + “\n\n” +
“OrderId:” + details.unique_code + “\n” +
"Delivery Date: " + details.delivery_date + “\n” +
“Delivery Time: " + details.time_span + “\n” +
“No. Of Products: " + products.length + “\n\n” +
“Sl. Name Qty Price” + “\n” +
“" + “\n\n”;
products.forEach((element , index) => {
printData = printData +
Number(index+1) + “. “+element.product_name + " " + element.quantity + " Rs.” + element.price + “/-” +”\n";
printData = printData + "” + “\n\n” +
“Payable Amount: Rs.” + details.total_amount +”/-” + “\n\n”;
console.log(printData);let xyz=this.connectBT(address).subscribe(data=>{ this.btSerial.clear(); this.btSerial.write(printData).then(dataz=>{ console.log("WRITE SUCCESS",dataz); let mno=this.alertCtrl.create({ title:"Print SUCCESS!", buttons:['Dismiss'] }); mno.present(); xyz.unsubscribe(); },errx=>{ console.log("WRITE FAILED",errx); let mno=this.alertCtrl.create({ title:"ERROR "+errx, buttons:['Dismiss'] }); mno.present(); }); },err=>{ console.log("CONNECTION ERROR",err); let mno=this.alertCtrl.create({ title:"ERROR "+err, buttons:['Dismiss'] }); mno.present(); });
Someone please help me !!
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