@pdj wrote:
var a=[]; a.push("1fabf576-db77-4c9c-9920-ad3175023b345"); a.push("892f712e-bca7-4842-abae-5a482ba8472f"); let data={ "app_id": "xxxx, "include_player_ids": a, "headings":{"en":"aaaa"}, "data": {"welcome": true, "name":"pdJung"}, "contents": {"en": "vvvvvvv"} }
error says
“{“errors”:[“Incorrect player_id format in include_player_ids (not a valid UUID): 1fabf576-db77-4c9c-9920-ad3175023b345”]}”What is funny is that
when I wrote explicitly ,
let data={ "app_id": "xxxxx", "include_player_ids": ["a36949a1-3c89-4c62-8c91-d4e1cceb2c31","1fabf576-db77-4c9c-9920-ad3175023b34"], "headings":{"en":"aaaaa."}, "data": {"welcome": true, "name":"pdJung"}, "contents": {"en": "vvvvvvvvv."} }
what’s the difference??? I really don’t undersand why array list is not sent as I expected…
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