@IvoHuigsloot wrote:
Heey guys,
I am building a app, now i was working chat functionality. I open this chat with a model where i use a ‘ion-textarea’ as input for the message, this all works fine when i first open the model.
Once I close the model and opens it again this happens:
I tried to add a min-height but this only applies to the ion-textarea and not the inner textarea,
This only occurs when using the autogrow propperty, is there a way to fix this?
Here is my code for the inputs
<ion-row class="ion-align-items-center"> <ion-col size="8"> <ion-textarea autofocus autoGrow autocapitalize rows="1" placeholder="Send message" [(ngModel)]="message" class="ion-no-margin message-input" ></ion-textarea> </ion-col> <ion-col size="2"> <ion-button expand="block" fill="clear" color="primary" (click)="takePicture()" class="send-button"> <ion-icon name="attach"></ion-icon> </ion-button> </ion-col> <ion-col size="2"> <ion-button expand="block" fill="clear" color="primary" (click)="sendMessage()" [disabled]="message === ''" class="send-button"> <ion-icon name="send"></ion-icon> </ion-button> </ion-col> </ion-row>
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