@scottstraley wrote:
Full-Stack Web Engineer
Location: Austin, Texas
Are you an intrepid adventurer looking for new technological challenges to champion and new ventures explore? Do you live at the forefront of emerging best-practices and standards? Can you simultaneously co-exist in both explosive creative innovation and disciplined engineering processes? Are you always nice to both humans and machines?
About Us
- We’re a conversational commerce startup at the crossroads of ecommerce and text messaging.
- We love Node.js, Typescript, Javascript (in moderation), Vue.js, Ionic, and PostgreSQL.
- We’re building a lean platform with the latest cloud virtualization and endpoint technologies.
- We love using the platform – with lightweight frameworks that can target multiple web and native platforms.
- We treat our coworkers, customers, partners, and investors with respect and dignity. And we write strong reliable secure code to show that love.
- We don’t believe in external or arbitrary limits. There’s usually a way. And we’ll find the solution.
About You
- You’ve been writing full-stack production-quality applications for at least 3 years.
- You’re equally comfortable deep in the weeds and at the 10,000-foot level.
- You apply consistent discipline in your coding arts – balancing speed and best practices.
- You have written a thing or two – and your GitHub (or coding sample) shows it.
- You love what we love – and your expertise is evident.
- You’ve never said, “That’s not my job.”
Maybe About You
- You’ve played with GCP toys and you liked them.
- You’ve written test code.
- Secretly, you’re a designer.
- Even more secretly, you’re a product designer.
- You wonder to yourself sometimes if you could write a web server in SQL.
- Or a game.
- Some of your networked neurons have at one time or another been convoluted.
If you want to open the door and explore more, email us at adventure@stylust.com.
If you want to quietly walk away, press Ctrl-W.
Posts: 1
Participants: 1