@littlefloralbunny wrote:
Hello all!
I’m wondering what is the best solution to deal with this problem or if there is an alternative/best practise way to go about this.
I have a page which contains a custom component that is a simple input form (I want to use this form elsewhere as well, so it is a separate component). The page itself has a header with a back button and a save button for the form.
<ion-header> <ion-toolbar> <ion-buttons slot="start"> <ion-button (click)="back()" ></ion-button> </ion-buttons> <ion-title>Page</ion-title> <ion-buttons slot="end"> <ion-button (click)="save()" ></ion-button> </ion-buttons> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header> <ion-content> <app-form></app-form> </ion-content>
<form [formGroup]="form"> <ion-input formControlName="name"></ion-input> <ion-input formControlName="age"></ion-input> </form>
So I would want to save the values in the form component when the save button on the page is clicked. I have tried the following solution:
In form component .ts
compileInput() { let person = { name: this.form.controls.name.value, age: this.form.controls.age.value, }; console.log(person); /// <--- this prints person with blank values? return person; }
And in my page .ts
constructor( private router: Router, private service: Service, private form: FormComponent ) {} ngOnInit() {} public home() { this.router.navigateByUrl("home"); } public save() { this.service.save(this.form.compileInput()); this.home(); }
What is a good way to deal with this?
Thankyou in advance
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