@trinzia wrote:
I cannot get anything to happen after opening the photo gallery. The gallery opens (finally), but I cannot trigger anything afterwards – cannot make a feedback message appear or show the image. Here’s my code:Installation (pretty sure I have extra files in here and that ionic-native isn’t doing anything)
npm install ionic npm install @vue/cli -g npm install vue-router -g npm install @ionic/vue -g npm install @ionic/core -g npm install cordova-cli -g npm install ionic-webpack -g npm install ionic-native -g npm install @ionic-native/core -g npm install ionicons@4.5.9-1 -g vue create yourProjectName cd yourProjectName npm install ionic cordova npm run build ionic cordova platform add ios ionic cordova platform add android npm install @ionic-native/core npm install @ionic/pwa-elements ionic integrations enable cordova ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file npm install @ionic-native/file npm install @ionic-native/camera ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera vue add cordova ionic serve --devapp
import Vue from 'vue'; import Axios from 'axios'; import App from './App.vue'; import router from './router'; import IonicVue from '@ionic/vue'; Vue.use(IonicVue); Vue.config.productionTip = false; new Vue({ el: '#app', router, template: '<App/>', components: { App }, render : (h) => h(App) })
<template> <div> <p>feedback: {{feedback}}</p> <hr> <!-- <img :src="imagepath ? imagepath : null" /> --> <ion-button @click="getPicture()">get Picture Now</ion-button> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "camera", data() { return { imagepath: null, feedback: 'nothing', }; }, //do I need this? mounted() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", () => { this.feedback = "device is ready"; }); }, methods: { //open photo gallery getPicture() { navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail,{ quality: 50, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY }).then((imageData) => { this.feedback = "success"; //this.currentImage = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imageData; }, (err) => { this.feedback = "fudge: " + err; }); function onSuccess(imageData) { this.feedback = "success"; //this.imagepath = imageData.dataUrl; } function onFail(message) { this.feedback = "fudge"; } } }, }; </script>
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