@BrentAshWilliams wrote:
Hello, I recently released an app using ionic 4. We have had a few Android user state that the side menu does NOT close after a selection has been made.
I have checked it on a number of Android devices we have and have not been able to duplicate it.
In my app.component.html I have the following.
<ion-menu side="start" menuId="first" [disabled]="onConnectionPage === true" [swipeGesture]="false"> <ion-header> <ion-toolbar> <ion-title (click)="defaultSettings()" style="font-size:16px;">ChargerConnect</ion-title> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header> <ion-content> <ion-list lines="none"> <ion-menu-toggle> <ion-button (click)="disconnect()" color="primary" expand="full"> {{ 'Disconnect' | translate }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[0])" style="--background:var(--dashboard)" expand="full"> {{ dashboardString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[1])" style="--background:var(--diagnostic)" expand="full"> {{ diagnosticsString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[2])" [disabled]="disableMenuOptions" style="--background:var(--history)" expand="full"> {{ historyString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[3])" style="--background:var(--system-information)" expand="full"> {{ systemInformationString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[4])" [disabled]="disableMenuOptions" style="--background:var(--system-profile)" expand="full"> {{ systemProfileString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openPage(pages[5])" [disabled]="disableMenuOptions" style="--background:var(--battery-profile)" expand="full"> {{ batteryProfileString }} </ion-button> <ion-button (click)="openHelp()" expand="full"> {{ 'Help' | translate }} </ion-button> </ion-menu-toggle> </ion-list> </ion-content> </ion-menu>
I am using ion-menu-toggle and by default auto-hide is set to true.
Is there someone in my html that could be causing this?
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