@thilinanara wrote:
am using php backend controllers with Ionic 3 application. Ionic 3 login works perfect with back-end controller and creates session and I store user data in the session variable.
When I access another controller via Ionic 3 after login success,It get destroyed and it has no any user data in the session.
I need to keep session data until it destroy on logout,but app works completely fine in android.
I am using ios simulator(ios 10.3) on Xcode 8.3.3
Here is my code.
userInfo={} as UserInfo; this.http.post(this.baseUrl+'index.php/login/user_login', credentials, options). map(res => res.json()).subscribe( data => { if(data['status']==true && data['data']['login']==true){ //Store user Info this.userInfo.username=data['data']['user_details']['username']; this.userInfo.user_type=data['data']['user_details']['user_type']; this.userInfo.user_id=data['data']['user_details']['user_id']; this.storage.set('user_info',this.userInfo).then(()=>{ this.gui_permission(); this.isLoggedIn=true; this.loggedUser=this.user.username; }); this.loading.dismiss(); this.storage.set('user',this.user.username).then(()=>{ this.isLoggedIn=true; this.loggedUser=this.user.username; });
this is how i check the session data in php
//Checking whether user logged or not
public function is_login(){ $details = $this->session->userdata('username'); $is_loged_in = $this->session->userdata('loged_in'); if(!$details || !$is_loged_in) { redirect('login'); } }
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