@viveknarula wrote:
I have been using Ionic 4 routing navigation for rotating through previous and next chapters of a book, Its working perfectly fine for Next but on previous button is not loading the content. Below is the code i am using
<ion-button [routerLink]="['/ch',link.prev]" routerDirection="back" > Previous </ion-button> <ion-button [routerLink]="['/ch',link.next]" routerDirection="forward">Next</ion-button>
In .TS file
ngOnInit() { this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe((params) => { if(params.chname) { this.chname=params.chname; } console.log("In activatedRoute",this.chname); }); console.log("out activatedRoute",this.chname); if(this.chname) { this.fetchChNameData(this.chname); } }
If i tap on NEXT then it works perfectly and i can see the parameter value in this.chname in console.log in both cases “In activatedRoute” and “out acticatedRoute” and fetchChNameData function works to fetch the data.
But when i tap on Back button then i can see this.chname in console.log only in “In activateRoute” but NOT in “Out activatedRoute” resulting fetchChNameData function is not working and not fetching any data.
I don’t know why is it happening.
Can anybody help me please?
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