@pimol wrote:
Hi all.
I had an HTML page with this code inside:
<ion-content class="ion-padding"> <img src="..\assets\RTLife.png" usemap="#imgmap"> <map id="imgmap" name="imgmap"> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_0}} href="z0" /> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_1}} href="z1" /> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_2}} href="z2" /> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_3}} href="z3" /> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_4}} href="z4" /> <area shape="rect" coords= {{area_5}} href="z5" /> <!-- Created by Online Image Map Editor (http://www.maschek.hu/imagemap/index) --> </map>
where zx are new pages. But actually I need an alert.
In this way it takes a long time to loade z pages, and I lose the navigation history…Is there a way to call a function instead?
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