@Gassy wrote:
I’m trying to do an ion-infinite-scroll with a Firebase
this is my database<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of todoFs; let i = index; let c = count"> <ion-card class="welcome-card" > <ion-card-title>{{ item.title }}</ion-card-title> <ion-card-subtitle color="primary">{{ item.time | date:'short'}}</ion-card-subtitle> <ion-card-content> {{ item.message }} </ion-card-content> </ion-card> </ion-item-sliding> <ion-infinite-scroll threshold="100px" (ionInfinite)="loadData($event)"> <ion-infinite-scroll-content loadingSpinner="bubbles" loadingText="Loading more data..."> </ion-infinite-scroll-content> </ion-infinite-scroll>
this is my home.page.html
export class FuneralPage implements OnInit { @ViewChild ( IonInfiniteScroll, { static: true }) infiniteScroll: IonInfiniteScroll; todoFs: TodoF[]; conteur = 5; item = [] ; constructor(private todoFService: TodoFService) { } ngOnInit() { this.todoFService.getTodoFs().subscribe(res => { this.todoFs = res; }); } addMoreItems() { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { this.item.push('a'); } this.conteur += 5; } loadData(event) { setTimeout(() => { console.log('Done'); this.addMoreItems(); this.conteur -= 1; event.target.complete(); }, 500); }
this is my home.page.ts
constructor(db: AngularFirestore) { this.todoFsCollection = db.collection<TodoF>('todoFs'); this.todoFs = this.todoFsCollection.snapshotChanges().pipe( map(actions => { return actions.map(a => { const data = a.payload.doc.data(); const id = a.payload.doc.id; return { id, ...data }; }); }) ); } getTodoFs() { return this.todoFs; } getTodoF(id) { return this.todoFsCollection.doc<TodoF>(id).valueChanges(); }
this is my todo-f.services.ts
my problem: I want the resent10 first data to be display on my screen and after scroll the other 10 displays but in my case, all the data is on my screen when I run my code.
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