@Jagtlog wrote:
I’m using @ionic-native/google-maps/ngx in one of my pages, where I aim for showing the distance between two markers. Calculation is done perfectly and shown in both console.log + toast, but for some strange reason is the distance on my page only updated correctly first time!? I can change location of my markers and both console.log + toast will show me the new distance, but my page retain the previous value and not the current value shown in console.log + toast. Tested in browser + android with same result.
Can I somehow ‘refresh’ the page so the correct value will be shown?
Here is my map.page.html where distance is (or should be) displayed:
<ion-content> <h5>{{distance}} meter</h5> <div #map id="map"></div> </ion-content>
In map.page.ts is distance declared and updated in calcDistance() function:
public distance: Number = 0; private calcDistance(): void { this.distance = Math.trunc(Spherical.computeDistanceBetween(this.mapMarkerA.getPosition(), this.mapMarkerB.getPosition())); console.log(`Distance approx. ${this.distance} meters`); this.showToast(`Distance approx. ${this.distance} meters`); }
Hope someone have a solution for this. Thanks in advance.
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