@miguelopezv wrote:
So, I have created a layout for a page which contains a Header and a button, and below an
in which the ion-virtual-scroll is being rendered. However, the last elements are not being displayed because I can’t scroll to their location, but if I delete all the remaining elements on the layout then every element on theion-virtual-scroll
are visible.this is the layout template:
<ion-header> <ion-toolbar> <app-header [name]="name" [avatar]="avatar"></app-header> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header> <ion-searchbar (ionChange)="emitValue($event.detail.value)"></ion-searchbar> <ng-content></ng-content>
and this is the scroll template:
<app-page-layout (searchValue)="filter($event)"> <app-notification-actions (sortNotifications)="sort()" (addNotification)="create()" ></app-notification-actions> <ion-content > <ion-virtual-scroll [items]="notifications" approxItemHeight="154px"> <div *virtualItem="let notification"> <app-notification-card [data]="notification"></app-notification-card> </div> </ion-virtual-scroll> </ion-content> </app-page-layout>
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