@Anshu8 wrote:
I am trying to display a power bi report in the ionic 4 mobile apps. So I used Iframe to display power bi report.
Code look like this
HTML <iframe width="100%" height="100%" [src]="reportURL" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> TS import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser'; reportURL:any; constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { this.reportURL = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(`https://app.powerbi.com/reportEmbed?reportId=${reportId}`); } config.xml <allow-navigation href="*" />
When I see the report screen it displays Sign In button. When clicking on the Sign In button it opens a new window in the app itself. After that, I signed in with my credentials but it’s not moving back to the ionic app to see the report and when I click on the back button it displays a message like “Web page not available” and App crashed.
If I again open the App and click on the report screen it displays a report.
I figured that the problem is because after sign in it doesn’t know how to redirect back to an ionic app.
Did I miss anything in the power bi report configuration in the ionic app?
Can anyone help how to solve this?
All your suggestions are so helpful.
Thank you.
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