@lewix wrote:
i’m trying to build from scratch an app with ionic-react & electronjs, but following official "get started"guide
electron main page is blank and not correctly shown.My commands are:
ionic start myApp blank --type=react cd myApp
to build a new react-ionic generic app
Following this official guide
https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/getting-started/with-ionic/I added capacitor with this command:
ionic integrations enable capacitor npx cap init ionic build
I had to change capacitor.config.json file to link a public folder instead www folder, otherwise
npx cap add electron
could not be able do add an electron sub-project
Finally, launchin electron app with this command
npx cap open electron
Electron page was visible, but blank (seems react components was not parsed correctly)
I attach screenshot.Thanks for anyone can help me.
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