@kmsundar wrote:
I used PHP to post the code in API. I don’t know how to get data in ts file using subscribe (data). But in console network I have write output in JSON format.
workerdailyreport(){ return new Promise((reslove) => { let body = { aksi: 'update_workerdailyreport', full_nuts: this.x, half_nuts: this.y, rejected_nuts: this.z, id: this.id, }; this.postPvdr.postData(body, 'proses-api.php').subscribe(data => { console.log(data); for (let passdata of data.result) { this.passdata.push(passdata); } reslove(true); }); }); }
strong text
postData(body, file) { let type = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"; let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': type }); let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers }); return this.http.post( this.server + file, JSON.stringify(body), options ).map(res => res.json()); }
if($postjson['aksi']=='update_workerdailyreport'){ $data= array(); $job_id = $postjson['id']; $batchkpr = 0; $tempwight = 0; $batchNmae= 0; $name = ''; $select_job="SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE job_id=".$job_id; $querySelectjob = mysqli_query($mysqli,$select_job); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($querySelectjob)){ //check batch KPR is empty $select_batch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_id='".$row['batch_id']."' AND deleted_status='0'"; $querysselect_batch = mysqli_query($mysqli,$select_batch); while($fletchbatch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querysselect_batch)){ $batchkpr= $fletchbatch['kpr']; $workerbatch= $fletchbatch['created_at']; $batchNmae= date("d-m-Y",strtotime($workerbatch)); } //select user name echo $select_name="SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE user_id='".$row['user_id']."' AND deleted_at='0'"; $querysselect_name = mysqli_query($mysqli,$select_name); echo $count =mysqli_num_rows($querysselect_name); while($fletchname = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querysselect_name)){ $name= $fletchname['f_name'].' ' .$fletchname['l_name']; } if($batchkpr == "0.00"){ echo $result = json_encode(array('success'=>false, 'msg'=>'! First Update KPR in Batch')); } else{ $weight= 3 * $row['weight']; $full_nuts=$postjson['full_nuts']; $half_nuts=$postjson['half_nuts']; $rejected_nuts=$postjson['reject_nuts']; $shell= $weight-($full_nuts+$half_nuts+$rejected_nuts); $newwight= $tempwight-$weight; // calculate KPR $kpr=(($full_nuts+$half_nuts)/$weight)*100; $data[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'batchname' => $batchNmae, 'weight' => $row['weight'], 'full_nuts' => $full_nuts, 'half_nuts'=> $half_nuts, 'rejected_nuts'=> $rejected_nuts, 'shell'=>$shell, 'kpr'=>$kpr, ); } } if($querySelectjob) $result = json_encode(array('success'=>true, 'result'=>$data)); else $result = json_encode(array('success'=>false)); echo $result; }
Error I got error in console :
but I got the correct data in network API file
{"success":true,"result":[{"name":"SASI A","batchname":"02-11-2019","weight":"10","full_nuts":"5","half_nuts":"3","rejected_nuts":"1","shell":21,"kpr":26.666666666666668}]}
I don’t no where a did the mistake. please help
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