@webcreate wrote:
I have a mobile app and have option to log in by google plus have the controller but when I login and choose the account information are not saved me in session.set made following this tuturial https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/cordova-plugin-googleplus ve done the first step to set the android he generated a file that I made with the keytool but also do not know where I put that file but when I log not well account information that the log or ask permission .
.controller('LoginGoogle', function($http, $scope, sessionService, $ionicLoading) { // This method is executed when the user press the "Sign in with Google" button $scope.googleSignIn = function() { $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Aguarde...' }); window.plugins.googleplus.login( {}, function (obj) { userInfo = { user_id: obj.userId, nome: obj.displayName, user_foto: obj.imageUrl, //user_slug: data.user_slug }; sessionService.set('user_id',userInfo.user_id); sessionService.set('nome',userInfo.nome); sessionService.set('user_foto',userInfo.user_foto); //sessionService.set('user_slug',userInfo.user_slug); $ionicLoading.hide(); window.location = "#/app/home" }, function (msg) { alert('error: ' + msg); } ); }; })
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