@Pratikjaiswa15 wrote:
I am a firebase phone authentication in my ionic app. After success, I redirect users to
page which asks the user for name and email. But there is a strange problem. After redirecting, the formcontrols name and email are always invalid even though the right values are typed. If I refresh the page then, it is working fine.I can’t get what is going wrong. I have used invisible ReCaptcha for firebase phone authentication if that matters
Thank you in advance here is the code
userDetails = this.fb.group({ name : ['', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(30), Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*') ] ], Email : ['', [ Validators.required , Validators.pattern('^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4} ```) ]], }) submit(email, name ){ console.log(email) console.log(name) }
<form [formGroup] = "userDetails"> <ion-card> <ion-item> <ion-label position="floating">Enter your name</ion-label> <ion-input formControlName = "name" type = "text"></ion-input> </ion-item> <div style="color:red; padding-top: 0.2rem" *ngIf= "name.invalid && name.touched"> <small *ngIf = "name.errors?.required" class="text-danger"> name is required</small> <small *ngIf = "name.errors?.minlength" class="text-danger"> name must be at least 3 characters </small> <small *ngIf = "name.errors?.pattern" class="text-danger"> Enter valid name </small> </div> <br> <ion-item> <ion-label position="floating">Enter your email </ion-label> <ion-input formControlName = "Email" type = "text"></ion-input> </ion-item> <div style="color:red; padding-top: 0.2rem" *ngIf= "Email.invalid && Email.touched"> <small *ngIf = "Email.errors?.pattern" class="text-danger"> Enter a valid email address </small> </div> <br> <br> <ion-button type="submit" [disabled]="!userDetails.valid" (click)="submit(Email.value, name.value )">Submit</ion-button> </ion-card> </form>
Sometimes it also shows this error
Uncaught (in promise) Timeout (g)
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