@lsantaniello wrote:
Hi all,
I created my custom Pipe but when I build for android platform (ionic cordova build android --prod --release --verbose), an error accurs. It works successfully when I try my app /ionic3) into browser using ionic serve command.Type CountdownPipe in ../src/pipes/countdown/countdown.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules: GruppiAcquistoPageModule in ../src/pages/gruppi-acquisto/gruppi-acquisto.module.ts and PipesModule in ../src/pipes/pipes.module.ts! Please consider moving CountdownPipe in ../src/pipes/countdown/countdown.ts to a higher module that imports GruppiAcquistoPageModule in ../src/pages/gruppi-acquisto/gruppi-acquisto.module.ts and PipesModule in ../src/pipes/pipes.module.ts. You can also create a new NgModule that exports and includes CountdownPipe in ../src/pipes/countdown/countdown.ts then import that NgModule in GruppiAcquistoPageModule in ../src/pages/gruppi-acquisto/gruppi-acquisto.module.ts and PipesModule in ../src/pipes/pipes.module.ts.
My files:
src/pipes/pipes.module.ts src/pipes/countdown/countdown.ts src/app/app.modules.ts src\pages\gruppi-acquisto\gruppi-acquisto.html src\pages\gruppi-acquisto\gruppi-acquisto.module.ts src\pages\gruppi-acquisto\gruppi-acquisto.scss src\pages\gruppi-acquisto\gruppi-acquisto.ts
declarations: [ GruppiAcquistoPage, CountdownPipe ],
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CountdownPipe } from './countdown/countdown'; @NgModule({ declarations: [CountdownPipe], imports: [], exports: [CountdownPipe] }) export class PipesModule {}
@Pipe({ name: 'countdown', }) export class CountdownPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(dateStr: string, ...args) { .... } }
I tried to read similar question on the forum but I can’t solve my issue. I tried to delete pipes.module.ts file and declare CountdownPipe into app.module.ts file but the solve is not solved
Could you please help me to solve?
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