@ZombieBest wrote:
Hello everyone!
I start saying I’m pretty new to the framework and pretty new in web development in general.
On my App I have a JSON array updated from API with more than 100question
objects, aquestion
object is made like this:{ "question": "How do you do that?", "short_answer": "You should press the red button", "full_answer": "After you press the red button a white window will appear", "tags": "#red #button #tutorial" }
I’m trying to implement a search bar where users can search a specific question or issue they may have, so I did it this way:
On the HTML file:
<ion-searchbar *ngIf="data_loaded" placeholder="{{ 'SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER' | translate }}" showCancelButton="never" (ionChange)="searchChange($event)" (ionClear)="searchChange($event)" (ionInput)="onSearchInput()" animated="true" debounce="500" inputmode="search" spellcheck="true" ></ion-searchbar>
On the .ts file:
searchChange($event){ this.noResults = false; if($event.detail!=null && $event.detail.value!="") { //TODO: filter questions here let searchVal = $event.detail.value; this.filtered_questions = this.filterItems(searchVal); if(this.filtered_questions.length == 0) { this.noResults = true; } }else{ this.filtered_questions = this.globals.all_questions; } this.showSpinner = false; } filterItems(searchTerm) { return this.globals.all_questions.filter(question => { return (question.question.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1 || question.short_answer.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1 || question.full_answer.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1 || question.tags.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1 ); }); }
function apply a simple filter to all the questions, returning those that contains the word entered by the user.
This of course does not work well for my particular use-case. I could split the single word out of the phrase entered by the user, but still I think the result would be poor.I know this is surely more an Angular issue than a Ionic issue, but I wanted to give it a try and ask here if someone has some advice regarding this, maybe using external libraries to improve the search.
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