@Gsouillard wrote:
Hello guys,
I have started my new Ionic React App.However, I encounter small problems with navigation.
Indeed, my application uses Tabs navigation, but when I change tabs, the state is not save.For example, if I load a list of 100 items on my Tab1, and then switch to Tab2, I should reload the list when I return to Tab1.
I did not have this problem on Angular.
Is there a way to keep the state between 2 tabs?
My render part of App.tsx :
<IonApp> <IonReactRouter> <IonTabs> <IonRouterOutlet> <Route path="/tab1" component={Tab1} exact={true} /> <Route path="/tab2" component={Tab2} exact={true} /> <Route path="/tab3" component={Tab3} /> <Route path="/detail/:symbol/:hash/:uuid" component={Detail} /> <Route path="/" render={() => <Redirect to="/tab1" />} exact={true} /> </IonRouterOutlet> <IonTabBar slot="bottom" mode="md"> <IonTabButton tab="tab1" href="/tab1"> <IonIcon icon={logo} /> <IonLabel>Tab 1</IonLabel> </IonTabButton> <IonTabButton tab="Tab2" href="/tab2"> <IonIcon icon={cashOutline} /> <IonLabel>Tab2</IonLabel> </IonTabButton> <IonTabButton tab="tab3" href="/tab3"> <IonIcon icon={logo} /> <IonLabel>Tab3</IonLabel> </IonTabButton> </IonTabBar> </IonTabs> </IonReactRouter> </IonApp>
Thank you in advance !
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