@basti wrote:
Hi, I want wo insert data on mysql. With the native HTTP plugin it’s no problem to insert data via GET.
But I want to do a POST request and there always just comes this strange error (couldn’t find something about this online):
Ionic code:
let postData = new FormData() postData.append('s_id',this.s_id) postData.append('klasse',this.klasse.id) postData.append('stunde',this.stunde.id) postData.append('uebungen',JSON.stringify(this.uebungen)) postData.append('wo_id',woid) const options = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }; this.http.post( 'URL.php/', postData, options ) .then(response => { // prints 200 console.log("Response-Status: "+response.status); try { response.data = JSON.parse(response.data); // prints test console.log("Response-Message: "+response.data.message); } catch(e) { console.error('JSON parsing error'); } }) .catch(response => { // prints 403 console.log("Response: "+JSON.stringify(response)); } });
And here my PHP code to insert the values in mysql:
$neuer_user = array(); $neuer_user['s_id'] = $_POST['s_id']; $neuer_user['klasse'] = $_POST['klasse']; $neuer_user['stunde'] = $_POST['stunde']; $neuer_user['user'] = $_POST['wow_id']; $neuer_user['uebungen'] = $_POST['uebungen']; $statement = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO wot (s_id,klasse,stunde,user,uebungen) VALUES (:s_id, :klasse, :stunde, :user, :uebungen)"); $statement->execute($neuer_user);
If I use this with GET it works, but with POST not…
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