@kendam wrote:
I have successfully implement a playlist feature for a Cordova Media plugin (https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-media) in my application .
However, on IOS, once the app screen is locked the current playlist item completes but it won’t move on to the next item .
I tried to use the cordova-plugin-background-mode but this didn’t solve my problem or I don’t know how to make it solve my issue.
Below is my codeionViewDidLoad(){ this.backgroundMode.enable(); } PlayAllList(i, tracks: AudioFile[],surah) { var self = this; let fileDir = ""; if(this.plt.is('android')){ fileDir = this.file.externalDataDirectory } else{ fileDir = this.file.documentsDirectory.substr(7) } this.Audiofile = this.media.create(fileDir + tracks[i].trackUrl); this.Audiofile.play({playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked:true}) this.Audiofile.onSuccess.subscribe(() => { if ((i + 1) == tracks.length) { this.Notplaying = true; this.Audiofile.release(); this.Audiofile = undefined; } else { this.Audiofile.release() self.PlayAllList(i + 1, tracks,surah) } }) }
I have been on this for days. any suggestion will be appreciated
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