@iondo wrote:
I´m trying to share my count results to two other components after filtering projects. When I filter my projects I want to share the count to two other components. And when I repeat the filter I want update the count for the other components.I think the most important file is the service:
export class ProjectService { api = '/project'; private countProject = new BehaviorSubject(0); constructor(private http: HttpClient) {} getCount(term?, queryString?): Observable<Filter> { return this.http.post<Filter>(`${this.api}/count.json`, { qf: queryString, q: [{ what: {id: 13}, search: {value: term} }] }); } getCountObservable(): Observable<number> { return this.countProject.asObservable(); }
And my typescript in one of my components (FilterComponent):
countProject = 0; constructor( ) { this.projectService.getCountObservable().subscribe(res => { this.countProject = res; }); }
Any idea how I can update the countProject property for the other components, in that case only FilterComponent?
Thanks for any tip!
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