@Ielaajez wrote:
I’m building an app using ionic and react. When I deploy my app using capacitor live reload and Xcode to my iPhone (like described here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/developing/ios) the app works fine. However, I want to run the app natively using Xcode, so without a development server running on my mac. I’ve created a build and followed the steps as described on the capacitor and ionic docs.
When I run my app using Xcode, I see a blank screen and the Xcode console logs the following:
**⚡️ Loading app at** **Reachable via WiFi** **APP ACTIVE** **⚡️ WebView failed provisional navigation** **⚡️ Error: Could not connect to the server.**
The displayed IP-adress belongs to my Mac and when I run ionic serve, everything works. How do I build and run without the need of a development server? Or do I misunderstand the whole concept?
Thanks in advance!
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